In the digital world that we are living, Page Speed is a critical factor because it has a major impact on at least four aspects.
The amount of time visitors stays on your website. How many of them can be converted into paying customers, how much you spend by CPC and also your ranking in organic search.
One of the most frequently delayed things is optimizing the Page Speed. And the reason for this is easy to understand because most people don’t understand the importance of this often-overlooked detail.
And that’s why they don’t see the value of spending time and money improving it for a few seconds.
Unfortunately, most websites perform poorly in terms of Page Speed, which has a direct negative impact on their revenue.
If you want to maximize your results, let’s take a look at what you can do to improve your website:
Your Web Hosting
Many people want to save money by choosing an inexpensive shared host that crams as many websites as possible into the server, just like a bunch of clowns piled up in a car.
Of course, your website can be used like most web hosts most of the time, but the loading speed will end being so slow that your visitors will be frustrated and never converted into buyers.
Last year Amazon conducted and study and found that a 100-millisecond difference (a unit of time that humans cannot even perceive) is enough to reduce its sales by 1%.
If that short period of time had a direct impact on sales, what do you think would be an additional second or more? We have seen sites loading at above six or more seconds, which is not precisely a faster site. It would help if you had your site loading below three seconds or less.
The HTTP Calls
Each file required for web page rendering and operation (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and fonts and others) requires a separate HTTP request. The more requests made, the slower the page will load.
Enable Compression
Enabling GZIP compression can significantly reduce the time required to download HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files because the amount of compression they download is much smaller and then decompressed once they reach the browser.
Enable Browser Caching
When browser caching is enabled, the web page elements will be stored in the visitor’s browser, so the next time they visit your website, or when they visit another page, their browsers can load the page without sending it to the server Another HTTP request for access.
After loading the first page and storing its elements in the user’s cache, simply download the new elements on subsequent pages. By enabling cache will greatly reduce the number of files that need to be downloaded in a typical browsing session.
Optimize Media Files
Because mobile devices with high-quality cameras are standard, and modern content management systems such as WordPress make it easy to upload images, many people just take and upload photos without realizing that the images are usually three times bigger than what it needs to be.
Reducing the size of your images and the size of videos will significantly reduce the loading speed of your website, especially for mobile users.
Cache & CDNs
Caching allows your web server to store static copies of web pages so that they can be delivered to visitors’ browsers faster. At the same time, CDN can distribute these copies to servers worldwide so that visitors’ browsers download them from the web site to the server closest to their location, just doing this will also improve the page speed.
If you need help to improve your website page speed or the overall optimization of your website, contact us today, and we will gladly help you. We have created a solution for this problem, and we can share it with you, we are sure you’ll see the difference in seconds, not only having a faster site but also converting new visitors into customers.